Day 41

I am never going to be able to pick a favourite day of the Camino, but today was special. It had its challenges with a climb to Alto Riocabo 905m (what would a day be without an Alto!). The Way is along a soft path with moss covered drystone walls built so many lifetimes ago. There are views out to rolling hills with the beautiful horned cows gently moving around their fields.

It’s so quiet there are hardly any pilgrims around and I spend most of the day on my own in a walking daydream. I do see other pilgrims at a beautiful Donativo cafe where I stopped for morning coffee. We are all in awe of the offerings and the peaceful place that had been created along the Way.

I stop for lunch later on at a cafe and order food in fluent pretend Spanish and sit watching the world go past – we’ll actually a couple of pilgrims and a farmer on a tractor.

As I leave I call Ron at home and walk and talk with the camera on until I remember my walking poles. After retrieving the said poles I push on!

I am very conscious that once I arrive in Sarria my Camino will feel different, many many many pilgrims start from Sarria, it is where you can start from and get a Credential in Santiago, as you need to walk at least 100km.

I arrive at the Alburgue which is modern and has all a pilgrim needs. A shower then to the laundry there is both a washer and a dryer I opted for both, it cost €7 but there was a bit of ‘queue rage’ so I hightailed it to the closest laundromat to get my bag of wet washing dried.

I wander up to where the restaurants are in search of dinner and find two Australian pilgrims from my stay at Trabadelo, I join them for burgers and patatas frittats with hot sauce, just what I have been day dreaming of as I walked, well along with baths and hot tubs, facials and foot massage, but I will leave it there. Another Australian pilgrim joins us we all met at Casa Susi. One of the pilgrims is an artist from Yackandandah, Gordon was at the Camino conference I attended last year in Melbourne. He has walked several Camino’s and paints along the Way. His work is beautiful and really captures the Camino.

Distance walked 18.7km plus 500m to go back and get my walking poles.

Elevation 905m

Gordon Dickson Art

Sharise Watson Avatar

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4 responses to “Day 41 Triacastela to Sarria.”

  1. Jenny Abraham Avatar
    Jenny Abraham

    I think we’ve all left our poles behind at some stage!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. suziefrancesfox Avatar

    Hi Sharise, Autumn has been beautiful here in Waihi.Seems extra colourful.The days are marching on with you doing the marching.Tee Hee.Are you still in your original well worn boots? They will need a rest when packed to go back to the blue mountains..And a big thank you.! It is lovely to see those shells on our beach.Different colours and sizes.Little little ones.How is your music going? Hi ho Hi ho its off to Camino we go!!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. lizh01 Avatar

    The reflection photo is beautiful! Really gorgeous countryside 😍 I haven’t noticed a total lately, what is your total distanced walked now? Keep up the good work Sharise I’m really enjoying my “armchair travel” as I drink my morning coffee. Go safely xx🥰

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  4.  Avatar

    Ah ha, at last, another town that I can find on my atlas map to mark off.

    Sarria, so your final pathway to Santiago is pretty easy to plot now I would think. Gosh you must be excited about the finish getting so close that I’m sure you can almost hear its hustle and bustle!

    And such beautiful countryside!

    In the movie, Bill’s wife secretly flew to Santiago to meet him at the church, so as he tried to call her for a few days prior to arriving there she was not contactable….because she was travelling to surprise him. So if you can’t get Ron on the phone soon you might find that he is secretly enroute to Santiago too!

    You never know!

    Buen Camino.


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