Day 46

The walk today was so much like walking at home in the Blue Mountains, the smell of eucalyptus, the forests trails, even a creek crossing with a great stone bridge and what looked like a fire trail.

I had 2nd breakfast with the Kiwis from Wellington and lunch with the Irish sisters, everyone is excited about being so close to Santiago but sad, we are nearly finished our Camino’s. It’s a heady mix of emotions.

The Alburgue I am staying at is lovely and even has a foot bath for pilgrims to rest those weary feet, my second one on Camino.

At some point in the afternoon I started to feel dizzy I couldn’t eat dinner and went to bed thinking I would sleep it off.

A terrible night and still feeling very dizzy I think perhaps I can try for 10km then get a taxi, I get dressed slowly and think maybe 5km, then reality hits me, I google medical centres.

The Alburgue owner calls me a taxi and 10min later I am being wheeled into the centre, the team there are amazing I am on a bed with BP, ECG and tests done, the nurse speaks English but the Doctor very little. I have Vertigo, I have never had it although I know about it from friends and family. Two jabs in the bum and a rest there I start to feel better, wobbly but better. “You need to rest”. The nurse arranged a taxi for me to my next destination and just like that I am here prescription collected, resting in my Alburgue.

At the medical clinic I had to show my passport and the letter I have from my travel insurance company and signed some paperwork, I feel very lucky to have been so close to that place and the help they gave me.

Tomorrow is another day and I will see how I feel, I feel better this afternoon, a little wobbly but ok. I will arrange my backpack transfer for tomorrow.

I have to accept missing this stage of the Camino but that is what happens. I am grateful it’s not something more complicated.

Distance walked 11km

Total Distance walked 733.5km

Distance by taxi 22km

Total Distance 755.5km

Elevation 410m

Distance to Santiago 19.8km

Sharise Watson Avatar

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5 responses to “Day 46 and 47 Melide to Ribadiso and then O Pino a bump in the Way.”

  1.  Avatar

    Vertigo sounds awful, Sharise. Glad you are feeling improved. 733.5 km walked and only 19.8 to go. Whichever way you look at it, an extraordinary achievement. Looking forward to reading your blog after crossing that imminent finishing line.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Robyn Stubbs Avatar
    Robyn Stubbs

    Vertigo sounds awful Sharise. Glad you are feeling improved. 733.5 km walked and only 19.8 km to go. Anyway you look at it, an extraordinary achievement. Can’t wait to read your blog when you imminently cross the finish line.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. lizh01 Avatar

    Oh poor you, I also get Vertigo & it’s a pain in the arse if you forget & bend over the wrong way or turn too fast in bed 😳 It’s a shame that you couldn’t stay longer for a few rest days. The scenery is beautiful & very Aussie looking, I wish we had that pretty stream on our property 😍 Take things easy & be kind to yourself as you near the end of your monumental journey, what an achievement!! I’d better not forget to ring The Bro for his birthday tomorrow. Take care & be safe xx🥰

    Liked by 1 person

  4. suziefrancesfox Avatar

    Wonderful to read of the help once again you received so quickly. Kindness is everywhere. I pray you are feeling okay to carry on this last piece of pilgrimage to Santiago.As you shared some of the walk was as if you are in the Blue Mountains.Again may all be well for you dear Sharise🌺

    Liked by 1 person

  5.  Avatar

    What a shame, and what a pain Sharise! I’ve had it once and it can be very nasty. Great that you got some wonderful help, so what a blessing. Let’s hope that your attack is over so that you can enjoy the last few km of your wonderful journey, and be able to savour the magic.

    The country-side looks beautiful too!

    Get well soon and happy walking.


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