Day 48

I walked the slowest I have walked ever today. The vertigo makes me feel like I am walking on balloons, thankfully the Way is mostly flat and wide paths, we are walking in more forests of gums and old oaks. It’s not too hot and I have had my backpack carried.

The pilgrims on the Way are jubilant, most will arrive at Santiago today. Early in the day a large group of young pilgrims walk past me reciting their Hail Mary’s in unison. There are many day pilgrims walking the 20km into Santiago and because it’s Sunday many Lycra cycling Spaniards.

I arrive and rest the nausea is overwhelming the medicine helps a bit. I managed some dinner later, I talk with a French pilgrim for a little bit, he started at home in France 3 months ago. He seems very impressed that I am Australian and that I started in St Jean.

Lavacolla (washer in Spanish) was a significant stop for Medieval pilgrims, this is where they would bathe and purify themselves before going into Santiago, I did shower but no energy for laundry today, hopefully they will let me in tomorrow.

Distance Walked 9.6km

Elevation 300m

Distance to Santiago 10.2km

Day 49

I wake up feeling slightly better (I think) but then I realise I’m not superhuman after all and quickly arrange to have my bag carried.

I call Ron early because it’s his birthday, Happy Birthday Dear!

I have some toast and jam and tea staple breakfast on the Camino. I start to feel a little better as I walk and my pace is definitely better than yesterday.

There are two hills and a long stretch into the city, it’s warming up fast. At Mount Gozo (Mount Joy) named because this is where pilgrims get their first look at the Cathedral. The emotions of the day start to kick in other pilgrims are getting excited too.

As I finally reach the arch and hear the Spanish gaita (similar to bagpipes) I know I have arrived, the further in I go though I can’t see the Cathedral but I do see my friend Jenny from Blue Mountains Camino and whom I caught up with in Logrono. It’s all overwhelming I finally see the Cathedral which is to the left, then it’s a call home to Ron a few tears, photos and it’s done I’m actually here!

Jenny and I go and find something to eat and drink, then we head to my accommodation – not a bunk in sight!

A very long shower a cup of tea (after the shower not in the shower) I chat with a Spanish guy staying here he has just completed his 21st Camino.

I need to get to the pilgrims office to get my Compostela, it’s very organised when I arrive I have to enter my details into a screen then go and speak with a volunteer when my number is called. I get to speak with Thomas from the US. I think he said ‘You’ve had a long journey’ let’s just say I should get an award for the most tears in the Pilgrims office today – the floodgates opened, I had a wonderful chat to Thomas and received my Compostela and distance certificate. Job done!

At 7:30pm I went to the Pilgrim mass with two pilgrims I met along the Way and bumped into in the plaza, it’s in Spanish but I heard them call out Australia and New Zealand which got the floodgates going again.

We met up with Jenny and had a great meal, in one of the many restaurants surrounding the Cathedral, I had a delicious salad with walnuts, goat cheese and honey mustard!

I’m back at my hotel, it’s a small private one right near the Cathedral it’s nearly midnight, downstairs people are still eating and drinking and there is cool Spanish music playing I have a double bed with sheets and towels and there is a bathroom across the hall from my room full of bottles of soaps and shampoo and I feel very lucky indeed.

Distance walked 10.2km

Total Distance walked 779km

Elevation 370m

PS. The other day I sat with a fellow pilgrim at a coffee shop, I had never met her before we chatted a bit and then she said her friends at home had been asking if she had had profound thoughts while walking for so long on her own, she said she hadn’t and asked me if I had. I said no but that I had had a lot of thoughts of writing a Standup comedy sketch about my Camino. We had a laugh and moved on.

I am not sure if you would call it profound but it occurs to me that doing a Camino is like a human relationship it can be all things a relationship can be and then at some point it ends and we can’t physically see the person anymore, they are in our heart and we still love them just the same, but we can’t visit or see the person any longer. A Camino is like that, an intense relationship followed by an ending. Now I have a Camino as part of me it’s in my heart forever.

Thank you for reading along and sending such wonderful comments, encouragement and support it’s meant a lot to me to know people are thinking of me and wishing me well.

PPS. I’m staying in Santiago till Thursday, stay tuned for a trip to the sea and more!


Sharise Watson Avatar

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13 responses to “Day 48 and 49 O Pino to Lavacolla and then Santiago!”

  1. Robyn Stubbs Avatar
    Robyn Stubbs

    Bravo Sharise. You did it. xxxooo

    Liked by 1 person

  2. mosaikmum Avatar

    Congratulations Sharise! You did so very well; with all the setbacks, you just kept on going. Thanks so much for taking us all on your journey. I’ve enjoyed it immensely. xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  3.  Avatar

    Awesome Sharise!! Your story of perseverance and determination to get to Santiago brought a tear. Stoicism and still your wonderful sense of humour – I treasured your blogs. What a journey – congratulations !!

    Liked by 1 person

  4.  Avatar

    Awesome Sharise !! What an incredible Camino you’ve had. Your determination and stoicism to get to Santiago brought a tear …. and your wonderful sense of humour a smile! It’s been wonderful to read your blogs and share your journey with you. Congratulations!!

    Liked by 1 person

  5.  Avatar

    Congratulations Sharise and we have enjoyed your journey, with all its trials, and achievements. Talk about determination! You deserve a big medal.

    But we are also sad now that the journey is over and there won’t be any more camino daily blogs to savour and enjoy! Beth yelps with delight or terror when reading them, as you have given us so much pleasure and enjoyment.

    We hope that your Camino was everything that you dreamed about for so long, and we are looking forward to the next chapter in your journey.

    Go well.


    Liked by 1 person

  6. keatmain80cec01bde Avatar

    Brava!! Brava! BRAVA!!!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7.  Avatar

    Buen Camino indeed 🙏❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  8. suziefrancesfox Avatar

    l loved you sharing your thoughts on your relationship with the Camino Pilgrimage.Very profound. You could not have put those words down had you not experienced it and how it has touched you like this on the last day.I am sure as the days go on you will have other insights.So Sharise I salute you as would your Mum and Dad ten fold.Well done you good and faithful servant.💐🌈💜

    Liked by 1 person

  9. lizh01 Avatar

    Woohoo, well done you, congratulations & you bloody bewdy girl, wow Sharise an epic journey & achievement. You are brave, strong & determined & we love you very much & I also know for a fact how proud Ron is of you too. You deserve to have a good cry if you like. Take care, be safe & enjoy the rest of your trip xx🥰

    Liked by 1 person

  10.  Avatar

    Yes proud and in awe…stamina both physical and mental, Sharise, I am woman hear me roar! although we know you don’t. The feeling must be fantastic, drink it in. There will be a new imbalance at home, I bow to your achievement. Oh and where are my black sox….with love Ron xxx

    Liked by 1 person

  11.  Avatar

    Well done Sharise – a wonderful achievement! Tony has kindly been passing your daily commentaries on to me and I have loved reading them. Hope you are feeling much better now. You probably don’t remember me but I met you as a child most likely at the Foxes but exactly which house escapes me. They did live in a few in Sydney. Hope the next phase of your adventure is lots of fun.
    Wishing you a safe journey home to what will be a wintery change for you.

    Lorraine Boyd 🌻

    Liked by 1 person

  12.  Avatar

    Yay cousin!! You rock!

    Congrats, amazink!!

    Thank you for taking me along with you.

    I liked your comments about the experience.

    Big hug, love Rose

    Liked by 1 person

  13.  Avatar

    Congratulations Sharise on your arrival at Santiago de Costello!

    Your writing about your experiences on the Camino has been inspiring, as well as informative. I hope you are recovering quickly from the vertigo. I got it from air turbulence when travelling to Ireland. Not a good experience at all! I’m sure you’ve been told of quickly falling back onto your mattress from a seated position ( of course). Believe it or not it did help fix the vertigo!

    Looking forward to reading about your walk to the sea!

    Kerrie from Blackheath xxxxx

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