Santiago to Berlin

The first leg of my trip is by bus from Santiago to Paris, 1500km it takes 20 hours. At the bus station I run into three pilgrims I know, one is on my bus returning to France, we had dinner together in Villafranca. His son is climbing in Nepal at the moment so I get an update, he’s at 5000m.

The bus is pretty basic for such a long trip, I have another French pilgrim sitting next to me and am surrounded by a family of holidaying Brazilians.

The route takes us along the northern coast line. The scenery is spectacular we go through the city of Bilbao there are cruise ships in the harbour.

As we get closer to Paris the sun comes up. The light and views are beautiful, a hot air balloon floats above and off in the distance, the green wheat that was here when I left France is now golden it moves gently in the morning air.

We are already 40min behind schedule when we hit Paris gridlock we finally arrive at the bus station which is chaotic I find the exit which is very hard, a taxi and have only 40min to get across Paris to the train station for my connecting train.

With 12min to spare I am on the right train in the right seat and on my way to Karlsruhe in Germany, here I change trains for another to Frankfurt. On this train I have a compartment to myself there is a dining car, it’s all very comfortable.

At Frankfurt I have to change for Berlin, here things go crazy I get on the train and my seat doesn’t exist a German lady helps me, apparently they will have emailed a new seat number to me. I work all that out and they announce this train can’t go to Berlin due to ‘Technical difficulties’ I visit the information stand and find I am to go on a different train. I find that train but there are no seat allocations so I just get on and hope for the best, at least it’s going to Berlin. At first I sit in the area where the bikes are stored then I try to find a staff member the train has 27 carriages it’s a long walk. I am told just to find a seat anywhere due to the situation. I find a more comfortable seat then the announcements start all in German, people laugh each time the updates come through apparently this train will be delayed and might not stop at some places. The locals must be used to these disruptions as they are all very relaxed, I check with one lady if we are in fact still going to Berlin. Yes! We are.

The sun is setting as we head towards Berlin the countryside is lovely with little villages off in the hills, green fields and forests of birch and fur trees.

We finally arrived at 11:30pm.

Total Distance Traveled 2543km

32hours of travelling

German Bretzel and water; what you have for dinner when your train is cancelled and you are making the best of the situation.

A day in Berlin

I am staying at an affordable hotel near the main Berlin train station. It has a distinct period appearance but it’s comfortable and very clean, I feel like my room could be used in a 1950s spy thriller.

First thing in the morning I go in search of breakfast, it’s a bit of a walk without yellow arrows or pilgrims to follow I of course take a wrong turn even with google maps open (I just walked across Spain for goodness sake)! I find a cafe and order something which actually turns out to be Middle Eastern not German, it’s a bit like Shakshuka.

Then I get lost again, Berlin is a city that has been forever changing, there are building sites everywhere, I have to retrace my steps and enjoy more building sites, the river, apartments, Aldi and gardening centres on the way.

I hop on a Big Red bus tour, a great way to see the main sites with only limited time. There are so many people everywhere many walking on scooters bikes and even Segways.

I get off at the Eastside Gallery, this was part of the Berlin Wall, it has been kept and artists have painted directly on the wall. I find a cafe for refuelling, it’s very hot!

I do another lap of the city on the bus then get off at the Brandenburg Gates for a better look, they must be getting ready for a big event as there is scaffolding and workers everywhere, then I walk past the Reichstag and along the river, there are people relaxing on deck chairs enjoying the last of a sunny day.

My phone had run out of battery and I am relying on a paper map from the hotel. I walk for so long I have to go into a store to make sure where I am, yes I am heading in the right direction.

Luckily for dinner there is a restaurant next to my hotel, it feels oldie worldie and German traditional, the waiter tells me it’s 135 years old. I have pork ‘Hunter Style’ which is Schnitzel with a rich mushroom sauce potatoes and salad. For dessert I think I wouldn’t mind some ice cream, I ordered a Sundae, it’s amazingly generous! (Ok so there was a lot of fruit in it too)!

I have loved seeing and getting a taste of Berlin.

Tomorrow I have a bus ride to Poland to stay with friends – can’t wait!

Distance Walked 15km.

Sunburn; what you get if you’re not careful on the top of the Red Bus.

Sharise Watson Avatar

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4 responses to “Transiting to Poland, a bus ride 3 train rides and a day in Berlin”

  1.  Avatar

    What a trip Sharise, and talk about a sudden and shock return to the usual world of tourists in Europe! But you have coped well, so the next leg should be a breeze….hopefully. Haha 😂 Berlin sounds very interesting, and wished that we had visited there instead of just going to Frankfurt years ago. One thing about criss crossing Germany by train that we remember well, was the miles and miles of beautiful rolling country-side filled with colourful amazing native flowers. Quite magical! Enjoy your next leg and looking forward to the next update. Xx

    Liked by 1 person

  2.  Avatar

    sounds so stressful and I’m very impressed with your fortitude! Go Sherise!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. lizh01 Avatar

    Jeez I don’t know how you coped, I think I would’ve gone into meltdown! At least there was lovely scenery & interesting things to see. Thankfully you made it in one piece, be safe & enjoy Poland xx🥰

    Liked by 1 person

  4. suziefrancesfox Avatar

    Their are no flies on you Sharise.Here I was thinking you were heading for home after The Camino walk You might get the travelling bug and join something even bigger. Well done after being a cheeky aunt.You are such an adventure chick.Happy times in Poland .🛵💛


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