Including here some of the useful resources I have found for planning my Camino.

“Remember We are all but Travellers Here”

St. Mary Mackillop 1867

Dan Mullins

I really love listening to Dan Mullins Podcasts, Dan speaks each week to a returning pilgrim or group of pilgrims, his interviews can be practical, moving and always entertaining!

Dan Mullins.

Rob’s Camino

There are soooo many people talking about Camino on YouTube, I find Rob’s Camino videos informative, practical and enjoyable to watch, (Thanks Rob for your tips and inspiration!)

Rob’s Camino and Rob’s Website.

John Brierley

Before I met John Brierley in 2019, I knew of his Camino Guide books, in fact I had a copy, given to me by my friend Siobhan. John came to a Camino Conference in Adelaide I attended (yes there is such a thing), what an amazing experience meeting him and hearing him speak, I then met him again when he visited us here in the Blue Mountains, he signed my ” A Pilgrim’s Guide To The Camino de Santiago” which I will take with me to Spain in April 2024. Thank you John for your inspiration, what a wonderful legacy you have left us all with.

John Brierley

Blue Mountains Camino Supporters

Since coming to live in the Blue Mountains I have found a group of people who are as passionate about Camino as I am. Joining a Camino group in your area is a great idea. You will find inspiration, support with planning and returning from your Camino. There are many groups all over the world helping people prepare for Camino. Full disclosure I am part of the Admin Team of BMCS.

Blue Mountains Camino Supporters.